Thursday, December 9, 2010


Date night with Julie was great. We met up at about 7:30 and went out to Luna's in NoVA. Turns out, we shut the place down at 10. I feel like that's a good sign! I think we are going to meet up for another date before we have the Santa party at Mike's place on the Thursday before Christmas. I'd like to get another date in there so we can click some more. We'll see where this takes us...who knows. I mean if it turns in to something, great. If not, then that's ok too. I have fun hanging out with her. That's all that matters for now.

Down to 224 at the gym from a high of 253. My goal is 199. I know the "number" doesn't mean anything, body fat percentage, muscle mass, all that really matters more. I really don't care if I lose all the muslce mass that I've tried so hard to gain over the years. I just want to feel "slim". I am taking the week off from running though, I felt like my knees were really starting to lag behind. Hopefully this will rejuvinate me and remotivate me for that half marathon in May.

JJ told me on Friday that Katie is pregnant with their second kid. I'm very happy for them. They are great parents and I know another addition to the family will be fantastic. I'm predicting boy, they don't want to know until the kid pops out. I don't think I could handle that, I'd want to know asap.

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